### Dark matter with atomic phenomena:
* Electron scattering, absorptionf, fifth-force searches
* Fundamental symmetry violations (EDM, PNC)
### Ultralight dark matter
* Scalar coupling DM-SM: shift in atomic levels
* Monitor frequencies with atomic clocks
### Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, 2025
### Benjamin M. Roberts
_University of Queensland, Australia_
* Slides [broberts.io/slides](https://broberts.io/slides/)
* Caddell, Flambaum, BMR, [Phys. Rev. D **108**, 083030
* Savalle _et al._, [Phys. Rev. Lett. **126**, 051301
* BMR _et al._, [Nature Comms. **8**, 1195
* BMR _et al._, [N. J. Phys. **22**, 093010
* Hees, Do, BMR, Ghez _et al._, [Phys. Rev. Lett. **124** 081101
* Filzinger, Caddell _et al._, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press),